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ID Theft Service Resold Access to USInfoSearch Data

In Consumer Alerts
November 29, 2023
ID Theft Service Resold Access to USInfoSearch Data

Brian Krebs reports on a service that may be selling your identity information — including your Social Security number — to anyone and everyone, for anywhere from $8 to $40. With your identity information so easy for criminals or just anyone to buy, what are you doing these days to protect yourself from ID theft? Kreb reports:

USiSLookups is the project of a cybercriminal who uses the nicknames JackieChan/USInfoSearch, and the Telegram channel for this service features a small number of sample background reports, including that of President Joe Biden, and podcaster Joe Rogan. The data in those reports includes the subject’s date of birth, address, previous addresses, previous phone numbers and employers, known relatives and associates, and driver’s license information.

JackieChan’s service abuses the name and trademarks of Columbus, OH based data broker USinfoSearch, whose website says it provides “identity and background information to assist with risk management, fraud prevention, identity and age verification, skip tracing, and more.”

Read more at KrebsOnSecurity.com