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Quishing is the new phishing: What you need to know

In Consumer Alerts
October 29, 2023

Jack Wallen explains that the little QR codes that ads tell you to scan can be weaponized in phishing attacks to steal your information, aka “quishing:”

What is quishing?

Consider the QR code aired during the Super Bowl. Now, imagine the company behind that commercial had malicious intent (just to be clear, the company behind that commercial did not have malicious intent). Say, for example, the QR code displayed during the ad opened your phone’s browser and automatically downloaded and installed a piece of ransomware. Given the number of people who watch the Super Bowl, the outcome of that attack could have been disastrous.

That’s quishing. Fooling a person (or a number of people) into thinking something is harmless (or necessary) but the true intent is far from innocent. The goal is to access your information, steal your bank account credentials, and much, much more.

Read more at ZDNet.