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Ransomware is not just attacking companies. Grandma and Grandpa can get hit, too.

In Consumer Alerts
September 25, 2023
Ransomware is not just attacking companies. Grandma and Grandpa can get hit, too.
Photo by PxHere

Researchers have noted two new types of ransomware that appear to be hitting Windows users — Windows users like Mom and Pop on their home computers. They, too, can wake up to find that all of their personal files have been locked and there’s a ransom note demanding hundreds of dollars or $1,000.00 to get a key to unlock their files.

Fortinet recently reported on two types of ransomware called “Retch” and “S.H.O.” Both types have been detected in the U.S. and other countries. Details about them and samples of their ransom notes can be found in Fortinet’s report.

This might be a great time to review some digital hygiene with family members. If they are Windows users, do they have Defender enabled? Are they set to automatically update their antivirus software? Are you sure they even have antivirus enabled? And importantly, do they make backups of their important files on an unconnected device? If all their wonderful memories in photos and files are encrypted by criminals, will they have a backup somewhere so their treasured memories are not lost forever?

This might be a good time to have “The Talk” with your folks and your kids. No, not the one about the birds and the bees, but the one about not clicking on links, not responding to calls or messages from unknown parties, not paying ransom demands, making backups, and running regular scans of their devices for malware. And encourage them that if they are not sure a message on their screen or on their phone is legitimate, to reach out and ask you what to do.