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China accused of “malign” cyberattack on UK’s Electoral Commission “after hacking data of 40 million voters”

In Cyberattack, Data Breach News, Europe, News
March 25, 2024
China accused of “malign” cyberattack on UK’s Electoral Commission “after hacking data of 40 million voters”

The Independent reports:

China has been accused of a “malign” cyberattack on Britain after it allegedly accessed millions of voters’ personal details during a hack on the election watchdog.

The UK is poised to sanction those believed to be involved in Chinese state-backed interference, after deputy prime minister Oliver Dowden sets out details about the alleged incident later on Monday.

He is expected to tell parliament that Beijing is behind a wave of cyberattacks on the Electoral Commission as well as against 43 MPs and peers, in a major hack which is reported to have begun in August 2021 but was not identified until October 2022.

Nuclear minister Andrew Bowie said the government will “stop at nothing” to protect British democracy.

Read more at The Independent.

China has rejected the claims.