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International coalition of law enforcement takes down Ragnar_Locker ransomware portal

In Data Breach News, News
October 19, 2023
International coalition of law enforcement takes down Ragnar_Locker ransomware portal
Image: The Data Breach Times.

An international group of law enforcement agencies have seized the dark web portal used by the Ragnar_Locker ransomware gang. The notice appeared today, and although there have been no press releases yet by either Interpol, Europol, or the FBI, TechCrunch was able to get confirmation from a spokesperson for Europol that information will be released tomorrow after all operations are finalized. Other law enforcement agencies also will be issuing statements.

In August, Ragnar_Locker attacked Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center, an Israeli medical center. They subsequently leaked its data in September.

This is a developing story….