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Nvidia’s Data Breach Blunder: A Case Study in Cybersecurity Negligence

In Data Breach News
November 27, 2023
Nvidia’s Data Breach Blunder: A Case Study in Cybersecurity Negligence

TechStory reports:

Nvidia, a renowned technology company, is facing a lawsuit alleging that one of its workers stole sensitive data from a former employer, Valeo, and then mistakenly divulged the stolen material during a video conference screen-sharing mishap. 

According to the lawsuit, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, a former Valeo employee who joined Nvidia in 2021, downloaded a considerable amount of Valeo’s sensitive data, including the company’s “entirety of advanced parking and driving assistance systems source code,” without consent.

Also according to the lawsuit, Moniruzzaman shared his computer screen with Valeo attendees during a video call in March 2022, unwittingly releasing the stolen source code files. Valeo representatives recognized the files instantly and took screenshots, preserving evidence of the alleged theft.

Read more at TechStory.

It is important to note that the data was stolen while the accused was employed by Valeo. It reportedly did not happen while employed by Nvidia, but Nvidia is being sued, in part, because of their incident response when told what had happened. TechStory headlined this story “Nvidia’s Data Breach Blunder,” but it would seem more appropriate to headline it “Valeo’s Data Breach Blunder” if they had a rogue employee stealing data and they never prevented it or detected it until the former employee screwed up during a presentation.