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Update: Cleveland City Hall remains paralyzed by cyberattack

In Data Breach News
June 14, 2024

On Monday, the city shut down its city hall in response to a cyberattack. News5 in Cleveland reported yesterday that the city remains paralyzed:

Cleveland City Hall remains shut down for residents as officials work to contain and eradicate a cyber incident that has disrupted the city’s systems for six days.

Residents have been unable to access birth certificates, death certificates, building permits and other services.

Cleveland resident Eneida Vazquez was angry she was unable to obtain her baby daughter’s birth certificate at city hall Thursday morning.

Once again, an entity does not reveal the type of cyberattack. Was this a ransomware attack that may take longer to recover from? As The Data Breach Times reported previously, no ransomware group has claimed responsibility for this attack — at least, not yet. More transparency by the city would be helpful, but if the city is still trying to eradicate an incident, that would suggest a ransomware attack.

Visitors to the city’s website will not find any notice or updates on the site about this incident. Some updates are posted on the city’s Facebook page. The most recent update of hours ago reads:

REMINDER: City services will not be available to the public at City Hall today, June 14. City Hall will be open for employees.

Residents are encouraged to use online services or call 311 for more information.

Read more at News5.