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Department of Homeland Security Pushes for Common Cyber Incident Reporting Definitions

In Legal News
September 21, 2023
Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has released a report, “Harmonization of Cyber Incident Reporting to the Federal Government.”

The report, which was released on Sept. 19, notes that there are currently dozens of cyberattack reporting requirements at the federal level. DHS is seeking to come up with a manageable and solution:

… this report proposes a model definition for reportable cyber incidents; model timelines and triggers for reporting; and offers recommendations for how to align content of cyber incident reports and to move toward a model reporting form or common data elements wherever practicable.

The report also recommends that the Federal Government should assess how best to streamline the receipt and sharing of cyber incident reports and cyber incident information, including through improvements to existing reporting mechanisms or the potential creation of a single portal, and improve processes for engaging with reporting entities following the initial report of a cyber incident.

Access the full report.